Where Are The Dads?

Where Are The Dads?

   To say that our country is going through a crisis, is not an exaggeration. With COVID-19 forcing families to stay in their homes, the stock market up one day and down the next, rioting in the streets by people who have no respect for persons or property, hospitals and jails at maximum capacity, families more and more in disarray, with more and more single mom trying to raise their children alone. Where are all the dads? Are they working extra ours, staring at a computer screen, watching sports, or hanging out at the corner with their buddies?

    At the very beginning when God created the world He proclaimed that it was not good for man to be alone and through Adam he instituted the family as the foundation of society. And at the center of the family God gave the man responsibility for the family. The most important job in our society is for men to teach, protect, care for, and guide their families. Within the family men are to train young boys to be responsible, establish good habits, and build character! So what has happened? Many dads are out of the picture. Why do we say that?

 Let’s look at some statistics.

  •    Only 41 percent of today’s children will grow up in a two-parent family.

·         Over 100,000 children are left with one parent because of divorce each year. Nine out of 10 of these are with their mother.

·         Over 20 percent of children born are born without a father in the picture.

·         The majority of special needs children at school are boys.

·         It is not surprising that the FBI estimates that a massive amount of burglaries, drug abuse violations, motor vehicle theft, aggravated assault, and arsons are committed by youths under the age of 18. Eighty percent of these youths are boys.

·         In some cultures, the rate of infants being born to unwed mothers is in the 70 percent range.

 What does this lead to?

·         90 percent of all murders are committed by men

·         85 percent of all robberies are committed by men

·         80 percent of rapes are committed by men

·         75 percent of people arrested are men

And of young man without a father around:

·         71 percent will be high school dropouts

·         63 percent will be teenage suicide

·         70 percent will end up in prison

    This is an epidemic and it is generational. These numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. They do not take into account the number of wives that say their husband’s done really communicate with them. Men have copped out and dropped out and abandoned their God given role of father in the home either from ignorance or for various reasons that may even be either conscious or subconscious.

    This is the reason that our approach at A Call for Men is to teach men to accept responsibility, accept accountability, and to lead courageously with purpose to protect and grow family and community.

    This problem is the greatest challenge of the twenty-first century: turning the hearts of the fathers to their children so that the hearts of the children will turn back to their fathers.

    May the Lord grant us Grace and Strength to accomplish this.

Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity

                                  {An Exposition of The Theology and Ethics of The Westminster Larger Catechism}

Joseph C. Morecraft III

A Review

I have been blessed with a copy of this reprint commentary on the Larger Catechism.  I am currently on page 143, “E. The Biblical Hermeneutics of the Westminster Standards” ; Chapter 2, volume 1 of this 3,800-page 8 volume set.  My purpose for beginning this commentary was for proofreading, but I have also begun to enjoy the thorough explanation of the catechism, the confession of faith, and what the circumstances where in England and Scotland when these documents were drafted.  Joseph C. Morecraft III has masterfully crafted a work that I pray is used to glorify our God for the education of the saints.

Morecraft gives the following as to the need for the Bible:

2. The Need for Special Revelation
God was under no compulsion to give the human race special revelation in addition to general revelation, nor can any such revelation be forced out of Him (Rom. 11:33–34).  Any revelation from God flows out of His sheer and sovereign mercy. “Jesus said, ‘I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants.  Yes, Father, for this way was well-pleasing in Your sight.  All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son, except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father, except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him” (Matt. 11:25–27).  However, a special written revelation from God is necessary for human beings if we are ever to know God, His will, and His ways.

This is true for three reasons:
   First, we need a special and written revelation from God because of our created limitations and the complexity of revealed truth.  Our memory, imagination, and rationality are too limited and the truth of God too vast, intricate, and above us (Isa. 55:8–9).  We need a written revelation of the mind of God in words and sentences that accurately reveal the mind of God and that, at the same time, are meaningful to us.

   Second, we need a special and written revelation from God because of the incompleteness of the revelation in creation.  General revelation is insufficient to give the knowledge of God that is necessary for salvation:  “For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. …we speak God’s wisdom in a mystery, …which God predestined before the ages to our glory; the wisdom which none of the rulers of this age has understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory; but just as it is written, ‘Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.’ For to us God revealed them through the Spirit” (1 Cor. 1:21; 2:7–10).

   Creation reveals a Creator but not a Redeemer.  Even unfallen Adam needed additional special revelation to interpret what he saw in creation around him (Gen. 1:28).  Mankind was created to live by the word of God from the very beginning to the very end (Deut. 8:3). To say that general revelation is not a complete revelation of God is not in any way to imply that there is any defect in general revelation.  When we speak of the insufficiency of general revelation we do not wish to suggest that this revelation is as such insufficient for its purpose.  It has been noted how all creation, including man’s own psychological constitution, is inherently revelatory of God.  This revelation was so clear and unavoidable that man was always confronted with the face of God. But in sinning, man, as it were, took out his own eyes, so that he could no longer see God in his general revelation.  Moreover, through this act of self-immolation, man not only made himself helpless but also guilty and polluted before God.  It is therefore to the condition of man as a sinner, not to man as finite, that the idea of the necessity of a special or saving revelation must be attached.

   Third, we need a special and written revelation from God because of the darkness and perversion of the human mind caused by sin (Gen. 6:5; Rom. 8:6–7; John 3:19, 20; Rom. 3:9; Eph. 2:1–2).  The twisting, distorting, and polluting effects of sin greatly influence the human mind along with all other aspects of human experience (2 Cor. 4:3–4).  The mind’s reasoning and perceiving abilities are not reliable guides to truth and knowledge apart from the Biblical revelation and Spiritual illumination.  Man’s condition after the entrance of sin is, therefore, not that of a poor innocent man, but that of a criminal who has committed high treason.  Thus the necessity for a special revelation lies primarily in the subjective rebellion of man.  The special revelation that must be given to man, if he is to be saved, must consist not only of the “objective” work of Christ in his death and resurrection, but also result in a subjective change from this state of rebellion to a state of obedience.  The work of the Holy Spirit in granting regeneration to God’s people is therefore implied in the work of Christ.[i]

Morecraft gives these reasons for the catechism:
   What is the value of the Larger Catechism for the church today? [I]t contains some outstanding summaries of Biblical Doctrine,…it gives a rich and full exposition of the Ten Commandments. No other such exposition gives us a more helpful and detailed treatment of the ethical and social teachings of the Bible…it gives a full-orbed doctrine of the church, …it is a full, balanced, edifying summary of the Christian Faith, a useful aid to the Christian growing in the knowledge of the Word of God…[ii]

   When I first obtained this commentary, I was almost intimidated by its size.  As I have moved further and further into it, I have come to enjoy the ease of navigation (the whole of volume 8 is a navigation tool, including a complete table of contents and scripture index; among three other indices, and a bibliography) and this commentary’s easy readability.  I use this commentary as a tool to do my “…best to present [my]self to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” 2 Timothy 2:15.

[i] Morecraft III, Joseph C., Authentic Christianity (Four Falls Press, 2019), 125-128.
[ii] Ibid., 60, 61.



Joy and Happiness

Joy and Happiness

   The world is looking for joy, happiness and gladness.  Why do you think there is so little joy in peoples’ lives?  Maybe you are struggling under depression, sadness and sorrow and longing for some joy.

   The middle book of the Bible is the book of Psalms or the Book of Praises.  It is interesting to note that the world as soon as Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden became filled with thoughts and practices of vengeance.  In fact in the fourth chaper of Genesis, a man named Lamech sang a song that describes the lives and thoughts of many who are looking for some gladness in life.  He said, “I have killed a man for wounding me, even a man for wounding me, even a young man for hurting me.  If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, then Lamech will be avenged seventy seven fold.”  This thought of vengeance is viewed as necessary to sports, to politics, and among other areas of life.  Anything you can imagine often resorts to vengeance.

   But God said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord.”  This implies that God says vengeance belongs to Him.  You leave that to Me and give yourselves to enjoying the good life I have set for you; for now and for eternity.”

   Look with me at the Bible and take some notes.  Before you come to the middle of the Bible, the Book of Psalms, you will find the word “joy” appears about 29 times.  You will find the word “joyful” appears about four times.  You will find the word “glad” appears about eleven times and the word gladness about seven times.  The word gladly does not appear at all before the book of Psalms

   In the Book of Psalms you find that the word “joy” appears thirty six times and after that over one hundred times.  Remember it appears only twenty nine times before.  The word “joyful” appears ten times in the book of Psalms and another twelve times after the Psalms.  Remember it appears only four times before the book of Psalms.

   Why is this?  The answer is found in the very first Psalm, “Blessed is the man…”  The word that is translated “blessed” in this passage is the word for “happy.”  The Psalms talk about a happy man.   In the New Testament we find that these words in the Psalms are the words of Jesus.  (Luke 24:44, Colssians 3:17)  He was the Happy or Joyful Man.  The Bible even tells us that He endured the cross for His people and He was joyful in doing this.

   Maybe you are looking for joy and happiness in the wrong place.  You may be looking for it in vengeance or in sex, drugs or wealth.  These all end up in death, despair and agony.  But the bible teaches us that joy comes in confessing that you have been rebellious against God and Jesus.  You have followed your own word and the words of men.  But the words of Christ are the words of the One who in great wisdom created the universe.  Do you know Him?  If you know Him you will need to know what He has to say about how to live in this world that He created.  Can we talk about this?  Here alone are the words by which people over the years have found joy though having very little of what we often think gives us joy.

   Psalm 37:16 says, “A little that a righteous man has is far better than the riches of many wicked.”  God said to Joshua, “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”

Life After COVID-19

Life After COVID-19


   In our technological age it is easy to forget about spending quality time with our wives and children. Our temptation is to let social media; cell phones and television entertain our families’ and us. As Christian men we are commanded by God to lead our families biblically. Family worship is essential to obeying the command of God, “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up on the discipline and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4 [NASB]). 


   During these troubled times of quarantine when many fathers are spending more time with their families due to COVID19 it is a perfect opportunity to establish the habit of family worship or devotions. Some ideas to help fathers in their role as spiritual leader are included below for your prayerful consideration.


  • Choose a book of the bible to read together. It doesn’t need to be long, but reading a chapter or even just a few verses before or after a family meal should suffice. After you read, ask questions of your family to help them think about the passage and discuss key themes in the text. What did this text mean to the original audience? Does this passage point to Christ? What does this passage mean for us?
  • Choose a verse of your passage for weekly memorization.
  • Pray together asking a different family member to volunteer to pray as well. Remind them that prayer is not just asking God for things but thanking Him for blessings and asking for forgiveness of sins.
  • Lastly, sing together. Try singing a psalm, hymn, or spiritual song.  

Courtesy of corechristianity.com


   For those uncomfortable with coming up with questions for family worship on your own we have included a list of resources to help facilitate your family worship.


  • Family Worship Bible Guide, Edited by Dr. Joel R. Beeke, Dr. Michael Barrett, Dr. Jerry Bilkes, and Rev. Paul Smalley
  • The Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family Devotions, by Terry Johnson, Christian Focus Publications
  • Training Hearts, Teaching Minds, By Starr Meade
  • Thoughts on Family Worship, by James W. Alexander, Soli Deo Gloria Publications

   For more family worship guides and ideas go to Reformation Heritage Books: heritagebooks.org.

12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You

12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You

Book Review
By Richard Moeck

These days my wife and I don’t go to restaurants as much as we used to, but the visual aspects have not changed much in the last several years. As you gaze around waiting for your food you see a familiar sight. There is a family to your right, dad, mom and kids, not talking at all, but instead staring at their cell phones. A couple of, what appears to be, college kids…staring at their cell phones. Why must we check them out so often? Is it because smartphones are such great tools for human flourishing or because they are evil taskmasters that make us less human with each other?
This is what the book, 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, by Tony Reinke addresses. He opens the book by offering us this challenge: Is your smartphone changing you? How can it otherwise when statistics tell us that we check out our smartphones every 4.3 minutes of our waking hours each day. Reinke, a God-centered theologian, asks questions of us. Does new technology always bring us back to perennial questions like – what it means to be a creature and not creator, beauty vs. efficiency or about loving God and neighbor? Do we ever think about our longing for approval? Is our love like that of Narcissus, in Greek mythology that fell in love with his own reflection. Perhaps today there are too many metrics to measure our own beauty (tweets, followers, subscribers, likes and so on).
Our hearts, souls, strength, and minds are diverted and distracted and we are multitasking everything. Our spiritual condition today is one of spiritual ADD.
Reinke says he surveyed 8000 Christians and when asked whether they were more likely to check email or social media before or after spiritual disciplines on a typical morning, 73 percent said before. Free porn access on a smartphone is a spiritual epidemic of unprecedented proportions even for the very young and even in the church.
I highly recommend this book. It will challenge you and encourage you – not only to use your smartphone for greater purpose, but also simply to use your entire life for the same.

Tony Reinke. 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You. Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2017. (213 Pages)