Are You Satisfied With the Status Quo?
Status quo is defined as the existing state of affairs. In other words, status quo is a phrase describing the current circumstances of your life. Are you staisfied with yoour current circumstances?
Some of us may have employment troubles. Or we may have burdensome family issues or personal trials. The current state of affairs in this nation certainly give rise to many conflicting opinions. Are we satisfied with these things, or do we want something different, something better? The bigger question is: if we are not satisfied, can we somehow change the status quo?
The Holy Scriptures gives us the resonding answer YES! The Bible tells us that there is an ordained means to change the status quo of our lives. That means is prayer. In James 5:16. it is written: “The effectual prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” It goes on to describe how Elijah prayed for long-term, big changes to the status quo of natural events (the weather) in response to a rebellious people, and his big prayers were answered multiple times. We are also reminded that Elijah “was a man with a nature like ours” (James 5:17). So, in many respects, Elijah was just a normal guy like you and me.
In the scriptures, almost all prayer is petitionary. This means that we ask (petition) God to do things in the earth. We ask God to change the way things are. In doing so, we are in fact admitting that we are not satisfied with the status quo. Our dissatisfaction will and should gives rise to prayers asking for change.
But, we need to be carful to distinguish between godly and ungodly dissatisfaction. Ungodly dissatisfaction is when God does good things for us (even things we think are not good), and we do not accept what He has done. Make no mistake: God only does good things, He is alll wise and purposeful, and our response of unacceptance is sinful and dishonoring to Him. On the other hand, godly dissatisfaction can arise when things of this world are out of balance, displeasing or harmful to us, or impeding the Kingdom of God, and we ask God to change them. In particular, we ask Him to make things better align with the truth and purposes of the Bible and His holy will. There is nothing wrong with this type of godly dissatisfaction. In fact, we need more of it.
So, let us learn to rightly evaluate the current circumstances of our life, and then pray occording to His will. If prayer is difficult for you, pray words from the Bible. The book of Psalms is particularly helpful in this regard. God is pleased to hear His own words prayed back to Him. Prayer spoken to Him with a right spirit are always heard and answered. Though, be prepared, that sometimes, perhaps many times, His answer may be to persevere in your present trials. Why is this? He has His purpose that we may not fully understand.
Nevertheless, press on in your petitions to God as did the widow in her petition to the judge in Luke 18: 1-5. If we are genuinely respectful and humble, we can be bold in our requests to God (Psalm 141:1) and can ask honest, difficult questions to Him (Psalm 13: 1-2).
Prayer can change the staus quo in your life. Always seek to improve your current life circumstances through prayer.